Glen Ghirardi

The many rewarding benefits from the power of reading.

After performing for over thirty parishes, I have created a visual story telling theme for my library shows. "Ernie the Book Worm"peeking out of the library books while teaching the children the importance of reading and the many rewarding benefits from the power of reading. Other stories are "The Three Bears", the baby bear reading many books and researching to prepare himself to be an entertainer. "The Queen in the Castle", the story about a queen whose necklace is broken and is magically restored. "The King With All His Wealth" gives his village people a chance to share his wealth. The moral of this story expresses that love is giving and sharing. I also tell other stories that give children an incentive to read books.

The opening eight minutes of my performance features music playing while live doves appear and vanish with visual effects that keep the children spellbound. The awesome ending is with someone suspended in mid-air.

This is an educational performance that will long be remembered.

Glen Ghirardi


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